• Privacy Policy
  • Study Ethics policy
  • College Fees & Bank Details
  • Medical and Safety policy
  • Academic Honesty policy
  • Assessment policy
  • Attendance policy


Wisepath International College puts students’ needs as first priority. Our policies aim at making students studying enjoyable, successful and also to protect students from violations of any of their Rights either from their colleagues, staff or even from without. This is done in a free and democratic environment. Lecturers and all other staff are also protected by these policies. All students and their Parents, Lecturers and Staff in all departments will be briefed on all key policies in the first few weeks of joining Wisepath International College. Students and Staff will sign the Binding Policy Documents when they join the College. All members of Wisepath College Community must consciously apply these policies at all times. The consequences of any infringement are sometimes painful and regrettable. Therefore take precaution at all times!

Privacy Policy

At Wisepath International College, we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. We collect personal information, such as name and contact details, to provide and improve our educational services. Your data is protected through robust security measures and is never shared with third parties except as required by law or with trusted partners who assist in service delivery under strict confidentiality. You have the right to access, update, or delete your personal information at any time. Our privacy policy is regularly updated to ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain the highest standards of data protection.

Study Ethics Policy

At Wisepath College, each one of us must Respect the Rights of others to do their work or to study without any feeling of inferiority from anyone. Respect is mutual and expected at all times. If you can study faster than the College-schedules, it is perfectly alright as long as you Complete all the Units. You will be given your credits and allowed to graduate. Also if for any reason, you are unable to complete your course units with the ending of a College Schedule, you will be allowed an extra period of Three months without any extra fees charges to complete your Course. Thereafter, you will be asked to pay more fees for you to complete.

College Fees policy

All College fees for “Wisepath International College Ltd.” must be paid UPFRONT to it’s Bank Account. Either:

(i)  Cash Upfront – we give 10% off if you pay Total cash for your course.

(ii) Upfront Monthly or Upfront by Semester -installments depending on your financial ability.

Methods to Pay Your Fees.

(i) Bank direct deposit.

(ii) Debit order at our College Account- especially for Monthly installments.

(iii) Online payment can be made at any bank all over the world by using a Debit and  Credit Card. (see Below)

(iv) Mpesa Paybill number:       4119893

Bank Details

Bank Name:  ” Family Bank Kenya “

Account  Name: ” Wisepath International College Ltd.”

  Account Number:            045000047719

 Bank Code:   70

 Brach Code:   045

 Bank PayBill:    222111

Mpesa Paybill for Wisepath International College Ltd.  Number:     4119893

  TUITION FEES  are charged as per your program/Course. Details are given to you when you make your Choice and are ready to begin learning.

Academic Honesty Policy

All students will be given a copy of these policies and must read and sign that they have clearly understood this policy. The main items in this policy include among others: Academic  misconduct – Plagiarism, Collusion, Duplication of work; Examination malpractice and Falsifying data to deceive the reader. Examples include but not exhaustive – Purchasing papers written by others, Copying from other students, Copying word for word from other sources, Use of “cut and paste”, Failure to  cite sources correctly.  An Academic Committee is in place to deal with these important matters in our College.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is a component of the student final Transcript. It will be reflected as a percentage and in real time days out of the Semester Calendar. Therefore students and their parents should consider attendance as an important activity. This does not just mean Physical Traveling and attending the classroom in the school, it also means online -class attendance – where the student is seen by the Lecturer, or teacher while teaching and learning is taking place. The lecturer/Teacher/Tutor is required by the College to take attendance and send to the College Office for Record-keeping. If the attendance falls below a certain level in certain Courses, the student may be disadvantaged later. The student can easily ask for permission if and when it is not possible to attend a certain lesson. It is also important to note that the student will not be allowed to register for parallel courses while others are not completed. This also applies for overseas travel for vacation or Holiday while classes continue in College. These will be accounted as absent days. However sick leave which must be applied and recorded is optional and the College gives the permission on individual and case merit.

Assessment Policy

The academic policy is a sensitive issue. The Examination Bodies conducting International Examinations, The Government, the Parents and the Students are interested parties. The Employers and any other Institutions that will need to carry out a selection that considers Quality of Results as a key consideration, will want credible and valid results which Reflect on the Inteligence and high quality of acquired skills and Knowledge by the student/Graduate being considered for further opportunities!  It is for these and other related reasons that make our stringent care and Exam administration, a very significant and sensitive issue.  Therefore at Wisepath International College , we want to maintain a very High standard of Examination and Assessment conduct at all times, both for internal and external Examinations. There is in place a set of Regulations and Rules that MUST be followed by all members of the College Community. Efforts will be made at frequent times and especially during Examination seasons, to ensure that everybody is familiar with these Rules and Regulations about Assessment. There is an Examination Committee that has been charged with this responsibility and they will ensure that everybody gets a good and impactful briefing.

Medical & Safety Policy

The medical Policy is confidential and is handled in strict confidence . It is also case-individual in terms of Privacy. Medical issues about students and staff are not disclosed and the College will not entertain having such records except where it is relevant and applicable in law.